electronic Waste

  • Monitors (with screens greater than 4”), computer towers,






  • -Households

    -Small Businesses with 10 or fewer employees

    -501c (3) non-profit organizations with 10 or fewer employees

    -Anyone who brings 7 or fewer devices at one time*

    *All the above entities can bring in more than 7 at one time, however, call the office if you are going to bring in more than 7 and you are one of the entities above.

  • E-cycling conserves natural resources- Electronics contain valuable materials – including copper, gold and aluminum – that can be recycled and used in new products. Recycling these materials prevents the need to extract virgin materials, conserving natural resources.

    Did You Know? According to a study by the U.S. Geological Survey, one metric ton of e-waste from computers contains more gold than that recovered from 17 tons of gold ore.

    E-cycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions- Using recycled materials consumes less energy than using virgin materials to make new products. Because less energy is consumed, less greenhouse gases are emitted.

    Did You Know? The U.S. EPA estimates that recycling one million computers prevents the release of greenhouse gases equivalent to the annual emissions of over 17,000 cars.

    E-cycling protects our health and environment- Electronics contain a host of hazardous substances. Even small amounts of these toxics can be dangerous if released into the air, water and soil. E-cycling protects our health and environment by keeping these substances out of our landfills and incinerators.

    Did You Know? According to the U.S. EPA, 40 percent of lead and 70 percent of other toxics found in landfills – including mercury, cadmium and polybrominated flame retardants - are from electronics.

    Source: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/ecycles/Pages/why.aspx

For More Information

Call the Main Office at 541-523-2626 or go to www.oregonecycles.org for more information.